Sunday, November 30, 2014

The secret to Having The Most Amazing Holiday

Tis the season to be jolly and might I add... full and busy!

Typically if we are lucky enough, we start with the harvest celebration of Thanksgiving by stuffing our belly's full of turkey, casseroles, stuffing, hearty vegetables and desserts. Just as awake from our turkey educed coma, we move straight into the Christmas shopping spree that lasts for a month. Shopping, spending, cooking, baking, photo shoots for Christmas cards and many trips to the post office. We plan and attend parties with family, friends and co-workers. These are all wonderful traditions but mentally, physically and financially stressful as well.

 As we start our busy holiday season of giving don't forget to give to yourself. Here are 7 things you can do to nurture yourself to feel healthy, vital and stress free so you can enjoy this time of giving and receiving. 

1. Set a daily "alone time" ritual. This could be as simple as getting up 10-15 minutes earlier than  everyone else to "just be" and drink your morning coffee or tea or it can be as luxurious as a 20 min bath in the evening. Allow yourself 10-20 to just be alone to collect yourself and breath. This will help you keep balance by centering yourself.

2. Eat nourishing foods and consume wisely. This doesn't mean you have to count calories every time you go to a party but know your limit. Portions are key here. Allow yourself to enjoy all the deliciousness but don't over stuff yourself. If you are going to a potluck bring a healthy alternative dish to share. There are plenty of delicious healthy recipes for the holidays. Check out this website for healthy recipe ideas. 
  As far as alcohol goes... be cautious in how much you drink. We all know what happens when we drink too much :) When your not at a party drink lots of water and fill your body with vitamins, deep leafy greens, nuts, grains and in season vegetables. This will help give you energy and keep you healthy.

3. Make lists. Organize what needs to be done and purchased by role of importance. If your "techy" phones have list apps you can use or you can get a small notebook to carry around with a pen. I find it very satisfying to cross off one thing at a time. Whether its an app or a notepad, organizing your thoughts is always helpful and give's a measurable result.

4.  Honor Your Time. When we give ourselves a time limit we can accomplish a lot more than one might think. By doing this and staying true to the time limit you set, it helps create focus by getting the most important things done.

5. Rest. It's easy to get caught up, especially if you have children but remember sleep is essential. The more rested you are, the more productive and stress free you will become. Some might say, "I don't have the time." That's when you go back to #4 :)

6. Keep in check. Last but not least remember what's important. No matter what holiday you celebrate, remember why you celebrate it. Aprigraha (a Sanskrit word for non-possessiveness or attachment) is a beautiful Yogic principle that can be honored here. Spending money on gifts, decorations and eating are fun but keep yourself in check as to how much you are consuming. How much do you really need? Whether it be material possessions or food and drink. Possessiveness and attachment will never fail to throw one off balance. Things don't have to be a certain way to be perfect. There are plenty of ways we can create atmosphere, meals and gifts with a little love.

 Here's the cherry on top! Allow yourself to enjoy the moment. Holidays are about giving freely and spending time with the ones you love. Let go of all the "have to's" and "to do's". Get present to the present moment and find gratitude for what you have. After all that's the true gift.

 Take care of yourself and have fun!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Continuing with our thoughts on gratitude as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, just what is gratitude - an emotion? A virtue? A philosophy?  Gratitude is NOT indebtedness, nor is it complacency. 

It’s the abundance of what you already have, not what is missing in your life. It’s recognizing what’s good, and minimizing the bad. It’s gratefulness not gratification. It’s a dimension of psychological well-being, not an excuse to suffer during difficult times. It propels the desire to do more, not less. It’s about giving credit, but not ignoring your achievements. It’s a state of mindfulness while sifting your fingertips through soft white sand on the beach, acknowledging the texture of each grain. It’s the silhouette of a loved one sitting in a chair, reading a good book.  It’s heart open, mind expanded.  It’s spirituality, respect, resilience, happiness, empathy, purpose. Gratitude is the beginning of compassion and humility.   
Most of us generally think that gratitude is something you say out loud – “Thank You” – but that’s not exactly how gratitude works. Gratitude is something you feel and is a direct result of personal willpower.  You must practice it, acknowledge it, embrace it, and share it.

So what’s your gratitude meter reading these days? Try creating a gratitude journal and make it a daily ritual to capture the “gifts” you received from strangers or loved ones each evening. They don’t have to be grandiose gestures; could be a smile by a passerby, a hello on the street, a small act of kindness. Keeping a gratitude journal can help you maintain your effort to appreciate the things you have and enhance your own well-being.     

Did you know…That the practice of yoga is based on a philosophy that encompasses gratitude? In a 2013 study published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, a significant relationship was found between the extent of yoga practice and gratitude. The longer individuals practice yoga regularly, the higher their levels of reported gratitude are.  

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Changing the World One Grateful Moment at a Time

Thanksgiving is nearly here and reminds us to give thanks. Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools we have in life. By simply shifting our focus from what we don't have or what could be, to finding gratitude for what is right now our world transforms to a more loving and beautiful place.

Some may find this challenging with some of the circumstances that are presented to them. In this case I suggest just finding three things you can be grateful for today and watch how it shifts your attitude and point of view. You may even find yourself counting more than just three things to be grateful for.

In Yoga we would call this Santosha. (a Niyama -Personal Observances)
 Contentment; being satisfied with the resources at hand - therefore not desiring more

Contentment and gratitude are one in the same. By finding gratitude we find contentment. When we are content, life is recognized as whole and complete. Everything else is clutter of the mind. When we come to this space we come back to the joyful and pure place we knew life to be as children. After all, this is our natural state of being.

 Today write down 3 things you are grateful for and share them with someone. Ask them what they are grateful for and enjoy the state of bliss this brings. 

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough & more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home and a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of the past, brings peace for today and creates a positive vision for tomorrow. ~Melody Beatie

Monday, November 10, 2014

Upcoming Winter Performances

Join us at Crow Creek Golf Course on Dec 13th, 630-9pm for our very first holiday showcase. Our Movement Works community will be showcasing performances and class demonstrations - our martial arts and dance programs will be represented, including our Ballroom and Shag folk. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Please join us for this festive celebration of music and movement!! 
Namaste & Happy Holiday Season!! 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Ballroom Benefits

We all know it takes two tango. It's takes duel effort of  two dancers to seamlessly glide across the floor in an almost effortless motion. It's passionate. It's beautiful. It's elegant.

We may not all be Ginger Rogers or Fred Astaire but we can all dance to express, connect and benefit our well-being. It's a form of dance that's not age specific and contributes to ones over all health in many ways.

A 21 year study of senior citizens 75 and older (led by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City) found that dancing was the greatest risk reduction activity for dementia and Alzheimer's by 76%. Other activities included tennis, golf, walking, reading and writing amongst many other hobbies.
(for more information on this study visit

 Ballroom dancing can also improve cardiovascular and bone health. Everything from up tempo salsa dancing to a slow and steady waltz gets the heart rate going which can help lower blood pressure. The movements of dance can even strengthen bones or prevent bone loss.

Because ballroom dancing is a communal activity, it also has positive effects on mental health as it can increase serotonin levels through social engagement, movement and touch. Many studies will back up what seems to be common knowledge: Being around other people builds social ties, contributes to a positive outlook and builds self-confidence. Joining a ballroom dance class is a great way to accomplish this.

What's your favorite form of dance and how has it benefited you?

Check out our upcoming Ballroom Events!