Sunday, May 31, 2015

Get Up and Move this Summer to the Beat Ya'll... Hip Hop Anyone?

The temperatures are soaring and so should your motivation! Nothing inspires us to get outdoors more than the warm weather of the early summer. Crisp mornings, birds singing, and of course, the beckoning beach! Take advantage of this beautiful time of the year to free your mind, enjoy this amazing space we call home, and get outside and improve your health and happiness.

Our coastal area offers a ton of options for exercising outdoors, like running, hiking, biking, walking, surfing, paddle boarding, swimming, outdoor yoga, or kayaking. You name it, there’s no end to what you can do in the great outdoors to keep active and healthy. But in addition to the variety, did you know there are specific benefits you get from being in the open air that you don’t get from an indoor workout? 

Exercising outdoors means you exert more energy due to the wind or hilly terrain, particularly if you are a runner or participating in an alfresco boot camp because these situations add more resistance to your workout. Not only do you spend more physical energy, you reap the spiritual and psychological benefits like a natural mood lifter, gratification, enjoyment – all of which can help increase your self-esteem and reduce stress.  And hey, let’s not forget that little thing called Vitamin D!  Just don’t forget your sunscreen!

Of course, there’s never anything wrong with a great indoor workout. As the summer progresses it’s always nice to have a climate-controlled indoor facility to exercise in. But working out indoors can often become predictable, which means you can easily get bored with your same-old-same-old routine. But Movement Works has got a cure for the common indoor workout blues…something that’s a little unpredictable and will get you out of your comfort zone and into something new to keep your summer-time exercise motivation going. Can you say hip hop?

Join our resident Hip Hop Instructor, Ashlea Sovetts for a 4 week introduction to Hip Hop Jazz! rd from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm and concludes on Wednesday, June 24th.  Pre-register for $45 at Movement Works.  No experience required, just a willingness to try something new and step out of the box when it comes to your fitness routine!  Adult participants will learn the foundation of traditional hip hop dance progressing to jazz dance techniques and power moves, while exploring and honing their unique individual expression. This class focuses on rhythm, musicality, style, choreography and individual and collective growth. Students gain strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination. This four-week session begins on Wednesday, June 3 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm and concludes on Wednesday, June 24th.  Pre-register for $45 at Movement Works.  No experience required, just a willingness to try something new and step out of the box when it comes to your fitness routine! 

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