Sunday, November 8, 2015

Time for Change

Last weekend we set our clocks back an hour to accommodate for Daylight Saving Time.  Every year we change our clocks back one hour in the fall to, well, make good use of daylight.  There are many explanations out there for why we switch our clocks back, including accommodating farm work, conserving energy, or helping early morning commuters.  No matter the reason, think of the changing time as a time to introduce change in your life.

Don’t get stuck in the unstuckable. Everything is changeable. Transition is inevitable, and it’s necessary to keep life fresh. This is a great time of the year to take inventory of your life, your dreams, your hopes, and your fears.  To make changes in your life, you first have to be aware of what your goal is. According to Deepak Chopra, “Consciousness is the moving force behind all life changes, but it can’t help you until you offer a direction.”  Here, he offers 10 steps to get you

1.  Have a clear and focused intention.
2.  Meditate on your intention, and visualize what you want to achieve.
3.  Feel the resistance inside yourself in order to get a realistic, successful outcome.
4.  Let go of your intention and don’t try to predict the future.
5.  Don’t let insecurity, past failure, inertia, doubt, or anxiety hold you back.
6.  Plan what you need to do and what you actually can do, and share it with someone you trust.
7.  Act on what is truly feasible.
8.  Fix the small things first so you’ll quickly see the positive.
9.  Monitor what’s happening inside and don’t be too hard on yourself if you take a step backward.
10.  Connect with whatever makes you feel trusting and safe.
Whether it’s a change in careers, a change in lifestyle, a change in health and exercise, change is good and we should welcome it…even if it comes an hour earlier in the morning!

Did you know…that if you want to make changes in your life, the best place to start is with your body?  Dance, movement, and yoga can help you navigate emotional situations through moving,
stretching, strengthening, holding poses, and breathing, helping you create a more focused and disciplined pathway to change.  Movement Works offers many levels of yoga, dance, and martial arts for all age and skill levels.

Visit our website at for an up-to-date schedule with class descriptions, faculty information, and class times.

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