Sunday, February 19, 2017

Open To A New Season

We are entering spring. There are still reminders of winter. Trees are bare with a promise of new growth. However, the signs of spring are here as well. The temperatures tell us it is time to shed our heavy coats and to let our toes escape heavy shoes. Spring jonquils are blooming. Robins are abundant. It is delightful to drive with the windows open. It is time to Open to this new season. As we enter this new time of year, it gives us the opportunity to release the winter and to see the possibilities of our own inner beauty. We can take the lessons taught by Mother Nature and apply them to ourselves. We can recognize and decide what it is that we want to release and what it is that we want to grow. Like a tree that sheds its leaves in the fall and then reveals new leaves in the spring, we can decide what to shed and what to allow to fall away. We can decide what to grow, to sprout, to blossom from within…a new attitude, a different perspective, or a change in thinking about ourselves or another. Each of us is filled with the true nature of spring with possibilities for the new growth of intentions and new opportunities to enjoy a renewed sense of our spring spirit. Allow yourself to open to your spring spirit each morning as the sun shows itself a little earlier, and each evening as the light stays with us. Open to these new opportunities to see the beauty all around us as well as the exquisite beauty within each of us. Written by: Claire Liddle

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