Sunday, December 28, 2014

Energy Follows Intention

This time of year is always a bit awkward as the holidays have passed and the New Year is still waiting to start. It's a bit of a slow time to say the least, leaving most people unsure if they should be resting or gearing up for all their New Year's resolutions.

It's a perfect time for setting intention. Being that it is still winter, there is no real rush in energy but just as the sun has started setting later in the day so shall we. We can steadily start to increase our energy just like the sun. Now is a great time to start creating your intention and goals for the New Year. 

Creating the intention is a bit different that setting up a hundred New Year's Resolution Goals. It’s how you want it to be ("Being vs Doing") Maybe you want 2015 to "Be" adventurous or "Be" love or "Be" curious. By simply creating an overall intention you set the tone for New Year geared to you. Once you have set the tone you can look at what it is you truly want to create. 

Start by writing everything you want to do or would do if you couldn't fail. Think in terms of personal, career and health and remember to THINK BIG! Then, start to pick the ones you can't live without. Under each category you only want to have 2-3 goals. 

After you have picked your 2015 goals, write them as if they have already happened and give them a "by when". 

Example: "I have run the Honolulu Marathon." By Dec 6, 2015. 

By creating a "by when" you are more likely to hit the goal you have created within that time frame. By stating the goal as if it's already happened, you program your mind that you have already done it. This helps give you confidence in attaining it. 

The last element to creating intention and goals is to share them with everyone. Post your goals in your home where you and everyone else can see them and when in conversation ask others what they are creating and share what you are up to. Not only will you both walk away inspired but you have created the energy of what you want to go forth. We are more likely to achieve all that we want in life by sharing it with others. 

So, as you find yourself in this slow energy that gaps the New Year, create intention and brain storm on what you want 2015 to look like not just with "Doing with "Being" as well. 

Check out all the cool new ways to connect to your well-being and self-expression here at Movement Works this 2015!

Connect to your inner child and take our Hula Hoop Class - Hoop 360 or
Find your sassy side and dance it out in our Zumba or Zumba Gold Classes or
Sculpt and tone that body through our Barre and Pilates Classes or
Find your inner Zen with Yoga or
Burn off those holiday calories and connect to your inner fighter in our Piloxing Classes
and much more!

Visit our website for scheduled classes and start your New Year off right!

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