As we approach the Spring Equinox this coming Friday we enter the season of re-birth. It's time for leaves and flowers to bloom, new hatch-lings to hatch, and spring cleaning. The days are getting longer as the Sun is getting stronger as we align into a more productive energy. Since nature is constantly telling us where we are heading it's time to take that next step. Winter was a time for rest and reflection, now is the time for new beginnings. It's the time we take all the contemplation we did during the sleepy season and put it into action. (Hence, re-birth)
Do you have a project you have been thinking of doing? Now is the time!
Let's open the windows, and clear out the clutter. (I'm not just talking about your homes). What can you let go of that no longer serves you? This can be material possessions, it can be thoughts or feelings or even relationships. The season is in perfect alignment for you to create something new and put it into action. Let's celebrate it!
Here's rejuvenating "Wake Into Your Spring" yoga sequence you can try at home to connect with this spring energy.
Start with a few Sun Salutations to warm into the body.
Downward Facing Dog - This pose not only strengthens bone density but the inversion of it creates blood circulation which aids in reducing stress, fear and toxins. Hold here for 5-10 deep breaths.
Standing Side Twist - This pose is great for strengthening the legs as well as promoting digestion. The gentle pressure on the kidneys, liver and spleen promotes waste removal. Hold here for 5 breaths on each side.
Upward Facing Dog - The opening of the chest promotes lung expansion, revitalizing the body as you deeply inhale here. It also strengthens in the core, thighs and the lower back. Hold here for 5 breaths.
Child's Pose - Counter act the twisting and back bending with this pose by sitting back onto the heels and releasing the forehead onto the mat. This pose is restorative and grounding.
Head Stand or Legs Up the Wall - Taking a full inversion is cleansing for the body as it recycles blood and removes toxins from the circulatory and lymphatic systems. If the full inversion of headstand is not in your current practice legs up the wall is a gentle inversion that promotes the same benefits. Hold for 10 deep breaths.
Easy Seat Meditation - Sit here for 5 minutes focusing on only the breath. Sometimes it helps to give the breath a count (equal inhales to the exhales) to 4, 6 or 8.
If you enjoyed this sequence and/or are intrigued by its benefits and want to practice yoga check out our yoga schedule. We now have classes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday offering a variety of styles to fit your need!
Click on the link to find out more...
Happy Spring!!