Sunday, March 29, 2015

Gentle Yoga/ Class of the Week

Whether you have a strong practice or a new to Yoga taking a gentle class is beneficial for everyone. Contrary to what some may believe gentle yoga is not "easier" than a flow class. A lot of people aren't even sure what the differences are. That's why we are highlighting gentle yoga as this week's class of the week!

Gentle yoga in non-impact. This means no postures on the knees and wrists. If you are familiar with yoga this means, no down dog, no seated poses on the knees and no arm balances. However that doesn't mean you can't get a good work out. Because we slow things down and focus on alignment sometimes gentle can feel like more of a challenge physically as well as mentally. The slower the practice the more the mind has time to think and wander and the muscles have more time to feel "the burn", so to speak. 

Taking a gentle class is great for beginners as well as for those wanting to just slow it down a bit to nurture themselves because we build strength and flexibility in a softer way. This practice is also great for those with physical conditions such as hip and knee replacements, arthritis and/or injured shoulders or knees. 

In this beautiful practice we settle in to connect deeper to ourselves through longer meditation and relaxing poses as well as connect deeper to the body's needs while still maintaining a workout. It's a perfect class to show your body love. 

We offer gentle yoga every Monday at 10:10 am for a one hour practice with our yoga instructor Angela Giacomelli. Gentle Candlelight Yoga is offered Wednesday evenings, with Movement Works artistic director, Nancy Smith,  at 7:15pm - 8:30pm allowing for 75 minutes of breathing, stretching and healing in a calm, serene sanctuary.

For other yoga classes offered by our wonderful instructors here check out our class schedule.

Monday, March 23, 2015

The Power of Observation

There’s no question that getting kids to move is on everyone’s minds these days.  The First Lady has made physical activity a big part of her signature campaign Let’s Move!, and the NFL created the Play 60 crusade to encourage kids to get moving. And the power of movement, especially in the form of dance, is also influential in a child’s mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, verbal, vocal, and social development. So if getting your kids to move is that powerful, wouldn't you want to be there to see it happening?

Parent observation is a thrilling opportunity for parents to watch their tiny dancer in action. It sends a message to your little ones that you’re interested in what they’re doing. But also, parent observation plays an important role in teaching your children to overcome fear and anxiety. Because parents are the first audience the dancer has, they can help prepare them for the sometimes daunting experience of dancing live before other people.   

Observing not just dance class, but being present in your child’s life is influential to their development and well-being. A lack of face-to-face time can actually impede a child’s capacity to think for him or herself and formulate genuine social relationships and experiences. When you show support for your children you reinforce not only your love and appreciation, but you are teaching your children how to develop relationships, voice their own thoughts and feelings, and foster effective communication skills.   
Here are 5 simple but meaningful ways to be present in your children’s lives:
  •  Have dinner together as a family and let your kids talk about their day.
  • Create a predicable routine to help your kids feel secure.
  • Make and keep eye contact when your child asks you a question, and when you answer it.
  • Turn off the television, put away the smart phone, and lay down the iPad and give your children your full attention.
  • And of course, dance together!

 Did you know…that Movement Works has a viewing window in the lobby so parents can observe their children during class time without interrupting them. In addition, Movement Works hosts parent observation classes periodically so parents can come in and experience the power of dance with their little ones. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Wake Into Your Spring

As we approach the Spring Equinox this coming Friday we enter the season of re-birth. It's time for leaves and flowers to bloom, new hatch-lings to hatch, and spring cleaning. The days are getting longer as the Sun is getting stronger as we align into a more productive energy. Since nature is constantly telling us where we are heading it's time to take that next step. Winter was a time for rest and reflection, now is the time for new beginnings. It's the time we take all the contemplation we did during the sleepy season and put it into action. (Hence, re-birth)

Do you have a project you have been thinking of doing? Now is the time!

Let's open the windows, and clear out  the clutter. (I'm not just talking about your homes). What can you let go of that no longer serves you? This can be material possessions, it can be thoughts or feelings or even relationships.  The season is in perfect alignment for you to create something new and put it into action. Let's celebrate it!

Here's rejuvenating "Wake Into Your Spring" yoga sequence you can try at home to connect with this spring energy.

Start with a few Sun Salutations to warm into the body.

1. Downward Facing Dog - This pose not only strengthens bone density but the inversion of it creates blood circulation which aids in reducing stress, fear and toxins. Hold here for 5-10 deep breaths.

2. Standing Side Twist - This pose is great for strengthening the legs as well as promoting digestion. The gentle pressure on the kidneys, liver and spleen promotes waste removal. Hold here for 5 breaths on each side.

3. Upward Facing Dog - The opening of the chest promotes lung expansion, revitalizing the body as you deeply inhale here. It also strengthens in the core, thighs and the lower back.  Hold here for 5 breaths.

 4. Child's Pose - Counter act the twisting and back bending with this pose by sitting back onto the heels and releasing the forehead onto the mat. This pose is restorative and grounding.

5. Head Stand or Legs Up the Wall - Taking a full inversion is cleansing for the body as it recycles blood and removes toxins from the circulatory and lymphatic systems. If the full inversion of headstand is not in your current practice legs up the wall is a gentle inversion that promotes the same benefits. Hold for 10 deep breaths.


6. Easy Seat Meditation - Sit here for 5 minutes focusing on only the breath. Sometimes it helps to give the breath a count (equal inhales to the exhales) to 4, 6 or 8.

If you enjoyed this sequence and/or are intrigued by its benefits and want to practice yoga check out our yoga schedule. We now have classes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday offering a variety of styles to fit your need!

Click on the link to find out more...

Happy Spring!!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Zumba for an Important Cause

Do you remember what you were doing when you were 19? Looking forward to all that lay ahead of you. Going to college. Thinking about a career. Grabbing coffee with friends and planning your weekend. Do you remember then, when the toughest fight you had to worry about was scoring tickets to see your favorite band.

Nineteen year old Kaylee Church of Ocean Isle Beach has those same hopes, dreams, and
plans, but her fight is a little tougher than worrying about tickets to a show. Kaylee was recently diagnosed with a rare form of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Sjögren's syndrome.

Sjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease. In autoimmune diseases the body produces autoantibodies that attack its normal cells of certain glands. When attacked, these glands cannot release their normal secretions and can cause various symptoms like dry eyes and dry mouth, but can also effect the lungs, kidneys, nervous system and lymph glands.

Complications of Sjögren's Syndrome can also include Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (sometimes called NHL, or just lymphoma) is a cancer that starts in cells called lymphocytes, which are part of the body’s immune system. Lymphocytes are in the lymph nodes and other lymphoid tissues (such as the spleen and bone marrow).

Kaylee’s near future will be filled with doctor’s appointments and treatment plans, but she and her family are ready for the fight. And the community can help in that fight as well.

On Saturday, March 21st, from 2:00-4:00 pm, Movement Works is hosting a Zumbathon for Kaylee! A donation will get you in the party. Join the spunky and motivational Barbie Milliken Kinlaw as she leads this Zumba for a Cause party. So grab your friends, bring your laughs and moves, and come workout for Kaylee. Any donation amount is much appreciated.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Class of the Week!

Class of the week... Barre Blast!

When is Barre Blast?

Every Mon & Wed @ 6pm and Sat @ 9:30am

What is Barre Blast?

This 60 min workout will connect you to your center of balance in no time. Each class incorporates upper body exercises with weights along with a combination of high-intensity sequence of leg, seat and core exercises with the barre while set to music that motivates. After all the muscle groups are activated we cool down with a sequence of releasing stretches to lengthen and elongate the muscles to gain flexibility. This class is designed for you to push your limits while feeling invigorated and inspired. Our highly knowledgeable instructors will safely guide you through class by motivating you and encourage you to challenge yourself to tone and tighten your limbs and core.

Who teaches Barre Blast? 

Barbie Milliken

Barbie's love for fitness has been a lifelong passion and it shines through in her classes. She has been instructing Zumba Fitness for several years now and believes in the positive power of dance fitness. After completing a training course she teamed up with a friend and fellow instructor, Rhyne Stevens, to create Ballet Barre Blast Fitness. Her enthusiasm and love for fitness is contagious so come join her for class!

Rhyne Stevens

Rhyne has been dedicated dancer since the age of two. Her journey began in Luberton, NC with Charlotte Blume. Dancing everything from ballet, tap and jazz to lyrical ballet. As a teenager she attended the School of Ballet and continued her training and education at The University of North Carolina in Wilmington. 

Rhyne is excited about teaching Barre Blast here at Movement where she can incorporate her love and passion for dance while leading a strong and fun workout for the students that attend her class. 

Need a little taste?

Check out this video we put together!

So, What are you waiting for?!

Get your Barre Blast on this week! See you soon.