Sunday, December 20, 2015

Peace, Love, and Mandalas

When is a circle more than just a circle? Well, the short answer is, a circle is never just a circle. Did you know that according to the ancient science of Sacred Geometry, the configurations created by interlocking spheres – circles – form the matrix of all universal matter? Think about the circles in our environment like the sun, the moon, and the earth, and the circles of our bodies like our pupils and irises, and even our circle of friends. All are spheres of energy and power that can help us heal and create.    

Perhaps there is no better representation of wholeness, balance, and healing than that of the scared mandala. The term Mandala comes from the ancient Sanskrit language and means circle or center. Mandalas are often used as an art therapy tool to promote healing and positivity. And what better time for a little positivity and healing than Christmas.
circle of the

Come fall, we hit the ground running preparing for the upcoming holidays with family and friends and don’t stop until the New Year. And though the holiday seasons are a celebration of birth, life, love, peace, and togetherness, they can also produce stress and anxiety. By the time the season is over we’ve exhausted ourselves physically and emotionally. Creating a mandala can help you and your children wind down and mediate during the holidays and give a chance to connect with one another through the power of art.

One way to harness the power of a sacred mandala circle is through a mandala coloring book. You can find several options online or most likely at your local craft stores where the coloring books are found. Feeling creative? Sketch your own mandala pages to color. Through the power of mandalas you can:

  • Be aware
  • Be balanced
  • Be creative
  • Be mindful
  • Be relaxed
  • Be together

Mandala coloring books give you and your children a time out from the pressures of life to connect thru mindfulness at Christmas time and beyond. Make it your family’s new healthy and mindful Christmas tradition. 

From all of us at Movement Works, we wish you a safe, calm, peaceful, and joyful Christmas.  

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