Have you ever taken a moment to listen to the rhythm of your own
heart beat in the still of the night? If you tune in, you can hear it and feel
it beat against the chest walls. I think it's safe to say most of us don't go
about our day thinking about the magical qualities of our own hearts as they
work effortlessly to keep our body on this journey we call life. We don't
control it's rhythm as it's a mechanism that works all on its own however there
are things we can do honor and nurture it to keep it running healthy.

Cardiovascular Exercise!
- Running - walking -hiking
- biking -flow yoga -karate
OR any of the classes we offer here at Movement Works :) Check out our class schedule!
Eat Heart Healthy Foods!
-Oatmeal -berries -spinach
-Brown or wild rice -olive oil -green tea
-salmon -broccoli -red wine
-sardines -carrots -cantaloupe
-tuna -sweet potatoes -papaya
-walnuts -red bell peppers -acorn squash
-almonds -black beans -tomatoes
-flax seed -kidney beans -oranges
-asparagus -avocado
Here are a couple of easy recipes you can incorporate into your everyday life to get an easy boost in what you need for that beautiful heart of yours...
Frank Lipman's Blueberry Avocado Smoothie
1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
1/4 avocado
1 cup coconut water
juice of 1/2 a lime
1 serving of vanilla whey protein powder or non-dairy protein powder
1 serving of greens powder (optional)
sweeten to taste with raw honey or stevia
4 ice cubes
Blend until smooth and creamy. YUM!
Kim Snyder's Rainforest Chai Seed Heart- Healthy Smoothie
3 1/2 ounces frozen acai berries
2 cups unsweetened almond milk
stevia to taste
Blend berries and almond mild at a low speed to break down the berries, then move to a higher speed. Once smooth, add chai seeds and stevia.
Buon Appetito!
Buon Appetito!
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