Sunday, February 1, 2015

Open Heart, Open Mind

February is here and love is in the air! This month we are focusing on the heart; Heart health, love and compassion. The energy point within the body for this is called the Anahata Chakra or heart Chakra.

The Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra):
Represents unconditional love and compassion on both the giving and receiving ends. It also represents abundance. 

Located: At the heart center in the middle of the chest. 

Color: Green
Just as the abundant leaves on the trees are green, so is the color of our Heart Chakra.  

Sound: Yam
All energy holds a vibration and a sound. The sound for this energy is Yam. Repeat it a few times and notice how it resonates within the chest walls. 

Some may read this information and think that it's just a bunch of new ageism and although there could be some truth to that there are also many benefits physically and emotionally through the practice of opening this energy point in the body. By bringing awareness to this area of the body and to this area of our life we shift the focus of energy and we consciously move back to our center our (natural place of love). When we open up the body in this area we become vulnerable physically and emotionally as we expose our hearts. A yoga practice dedicated to opening up the Heart Chakra is said to give and emotional high. Don't believe me? Try it for yourself!

Here is a short yoga sequence designed by one of our Yoga Instructors here at Movement Works (Angela Giacomelli) to energize and open up your heart... 

Sun Salutations - Start with a warm up of the body by doing a few rounds of Sun Salutations. Focus here on linking your breath to the movements. 

Sphinx Pose - Lay flat on the belly with legs extended straight behind you. Press the tops of all ten toes into the ground. Energize the belly by hugging navel in toward the spine. This will help protect your lower back in the lift. Place both forearms and hands into mat directly in front of you and lift and open the heart center. Be mindful to widen the collar bones and draw the shoulder blades down the back. Hold here for 5-10 deep breaths.  

Camel Pose - Start by standing on your knees. Place your hands to the lower back with finger tips pointing down. As you inhale lift the heart up while engaging your core coming into a slight back bend. From here you can reach one or both hands toward the ankles (or blocks behind you, placed at your ankles) Once you have a a grip, press your hips forward and puff up the center of the chest. Be mindful not to tip the head completely back here. Hold for 3-5 full breaths. When you are ready to come out, really engage the core here and lift from the belly to protect the lower back while reaching the arms forward to come all the way up.  

Child's Pose - Sit back onto the heels and extend the arms out in front of you, placing the forehead onto the mat. To counter act the other two poses a bit further come onto the finger tips and breath into the back. If this doesn't feel good just relax the palms of the hands into the ground. Hold here for 5-10 deep breaths. 

Legs up the wall with cactus arms - Once you get into position close your eyes and breath naturally. Allow the body to fully relax and repeat this mantra silently in your head.

"I deserve love, happiness and prosperity in all areas of my life."

After about 5 minutes release the pose and come to a comfortable seat and breath for a few deep breaths to complete the practice and recognize how you feel.

Check out our class schedule for our upcoming yoga classes here at Movement Works!

Until next time... Open Heart, Open Mind... 

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